
The online blog BigDataCentral.Net was merged with in 2021 when the BigDataCentral site took on new ownership.

Rather than operating two separate publications from within the same niche, their contents were combined onto Dossier Labs' site and all existing BigDataCentral articles were forwarded to their Dossier counterparts under their original authors.

About BigDataCentral.Net

Data science and analytics are rapidly shaping every aspect of our lives and our businesses. We’re collecting more data than ever before, but not everyone is able to efficiently analyze all that data to extract meaningful insights. There is incredible power in data—but only if you know what to do with it. BigDataCentral teaches companies and individuals the skills they need to work with data in the real world.

Founded on August 12, 2016, BigDataCentral is a news outlet that distills news, strategies, products and services in the world of Big Data for data scientists as well as IT and business professionals. Our editorial focus is big data, data science, AI, machine learning, and deep learning.

Articles from BigDataCentral.Net