
How much does it cost to register a trademark in EU?

How much does it cost to register a trademark in EU?

The basic fee for EU Trademark registration covers one class and is EUR 850. The fee for the second class of goods and services is EUR 50. The fee for three or more classes is EUR 150 for each class.

EU Trademark Registration application fee is due within one month from the date the EUIPO receives the application. The EUIPO only examine trademark applications and process any mail related to them after the fees are paid.

The table below provides a list of main trademark services in Europe in USD (official fees and our attorney’s fees). The indicated fees do not include preparing the substantive grounds of appeal/opposition/cancellation or full replies in these proceedings. Such works and other communication with the client, review of documents are changed on an hourly rate – 120 USD/h.

You can also find more information here about EU Trademark Registration.