Before applying for a trademark registration, you must search the trademarks’ database to check if there are identical or similar trademarks for the same or similar goods or services already registered. Most jurisdictions have readily available trademark databases online. There are also global databases, that contains trademark information from different countries. The EU IPO search engine Tmview provides information about the European, international trademarks. It also contains the information about national marks from more than 100 countries. The information is provided by the trademark offices that own the content and are responsible for its daily update. You can use TMview to:
• Carry out a trademark search
• Check for the availability of your trademark name
• Discover what your competitors are protecting
Tmview database contains more than 5 Million trademark applications and registrations in its first release. The database is updated daily and is free of charge. Everyone can access and use it online.
It is easy to use the main trademark databases. If you are planning to use some advanced options, you are advised to watch EU IPO prepared tutorials and read frequently asked questions section.